
Do you want more in-depth information, all grouped together, on certain anesthesia topics? Please see our recommended collection of resources below, including the most recent guides in our Blueprint series:

The Epidural Blueprint

This Ebook contains comprehensive information on your options for labor pain in one awesome guide!

Are you nervous about labor pain during pregnancy?

Does the thought of an epidural scare you?

Do you want to know what to expect when you are in labor?

Now, in one easy to read format, you can learn all about epidurals, spinals, and the management of labor pain.

This book will explain risks, benefits, and side effects of spinals and epidurals.

It will also debunk some of the most common myths about epidurals (for example, “Can I still get an epidural if I have a tattoo on my back?”)

Written specifically with pregnant women in mind, we hope to ultimately prepare you with the knowledge you need to have the best labor experience possible!

Download The Epidural Blueprint here.

Cord Blood Blueprint

This Ebook contains information and resources about Cord Blood.

When Dr. Joe’s wife was pregnant, his family had to make a decision about Cord Blood. Not sure what to do, he did exhaustive research to answer this simple yet potentially expensive question: “Should we bank our baby’s cord blood?”

We now share this information and other online resources with you, so you don’t have to spend days researching the topic.

Did you know that cord blood can be used to help cure some diseases?

Are you thinking about banking your newborn’s cord blood?

What’s the difference between a public and private blood bank?

What do the experts say?

Here’s Dr. Joe’s message to you:

“This book will guide you through my own decision making process as a physician, husband, and new father. When our obstetrician asked us if we wanted to store our baby’s cord blood, I was floored. I didn’t know what to say or what to do. So I took it upon myself to research the issue and provide you with the summary of information that you need to know. Please don’t spend hours searching the internet for information about cord blood banking. This book has the details you need to make an informed decision and provide you with the definitive sources to get even more in depth knowledge. Download Cord Blood Blueprint here.

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You should assume that the owners of this website are affiliates for providers of goods and services mentioned or recommended on this site. As such, the owners may receive compensation when you make a purchase through the site. Should you choose to do so, we would like to thank you in advance.

And know that any product or service we recommend is something we have reviewed, like, and trust.

Thanks for checking out this page. We hope it proves beneficial for you in your quest for health!